These articles are all quite recent, dating July and October of this year and give not only statistical numbers like the one provided above, but they also show that places like Greenpeace are fighting this as best they can; however, I don't think enough people are aware of this. Even most articles in major papers do not focus on these hazards. They make a small article about it and that seems to be it. This kind of information is not mainstream. This information should be published and available to many people, particularly those in school as I feel that education and awareness, when properly executed go hand in hand and maybe if more students read about this kind of information and saw visual images of what is occurring there, they would be more moved to write and contact government officials to effect change. After all, we accept products from these countries committing these acts here. If we were to change our habits of disposing e-waste and not only offer more incentives to companies that properly dispose of waste, but also let it be understood that these countries are not the only ones affected, as we are all connected and these acts will come back to haunt us so we will not accept products from countries that continue to dispose of their e-waste in such a fashion, then perhaps, we can affect change.

I'm going to search for more articles concerning the specific name brand of the products being disposed of and what, if anything, is truly being done to stop this. The unfortunate thing is I think people are too hung up on labeling. For example, an in-depth paper on something such as this would likely end up in an environmental newspaper or magazine; unfortunately, only hardcore environmentalists may read this paper and this is information they would most likely find on their own. The question is how to reach the people who pick up the regular papers, or don't pick up the regular papers at all. There has to be several different methods to disperse this paper. Perhaps in a free newspaper, but perhaps also getting people in school to hand these papers out, or even have more writing assignments such as this not only in an LIB200 course, but many other course like English and Philosophy where writing and critical thought merge.
This may help
I also have another film from them--this one about Africa (not sure it is Ghana specifically, but it would not hurt).
I think you have a good topic to discuss. You know where to start and what to dicuss in your research paper. Good Luck.
Hey, I'm doing same research paper in E-waste on Ghana. The Green Peace visiting give us a good documentary on it. Don't know if the professor will let us do the same topic.
I think your topic is a good one. from reading your blog I already learn something new I too thought only the USA was dumping their waste in other countries. Well good luck.
i am enraged to see the effects of e waste in poor countries but also get more mad when these companies that are producing the newest, baddest, most sleekest models aren't doing anyting to recycle the ones we've already put into circualtion. It's a good topic and it is a very good idea to look into the companies that are either being or not being responsible for the recycling of these goods once they are sold.
I like where you're going with your paper. The E-Waste issue is a pretty big, and relevant issue when it comes with our consumption habits. GL.
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