Monday, November 17, 2008

Follow the Faith

There's a variety of different religions, beliefs, etc. However, the religions or faiths that I consider to be more connected with everything is Wicca; however, Daoism is very good as well. Religions such as Catholicism, Christianity and many of the other faiths hold humans in such a high regard and consider the animals and the environment around us to be our playground that we can use and mistreat any way we see fit. Religions or faiths such as Daoism, Wicca, and Native American faiths focus more on the interconnectedness and balance both within oneself and without.

Daoism focuses on balance. In order to know one feeling or experience the opposite must exist. Pairs. In order to understand, experience and be good, we need to have evil. In order to understand life, we must have death. There can be no darkness without light and so on. Native American faiths also follow these beliefs. For both them and Wicca if an individual is sick it means that there is an imbalance not just at the physical level, but something is off in both the spiritual/emotional/mental level as well. Doctors today in the West have some understanding of this. Stress can harm us just as easily as a fall down the stairs.

The reason I think Wicca is one of the better faiths is because first off, it does not recruit people the way some religions do. It also focuses on responsibility for one's actions. I've run across too many individuals who follow other faiths and when something good happens, God is the reason. And when something bad happens it's either the devil or they are being punished or tested. People no longer hold themselves accountable for their own actions or choices. This is part of the reason that we battle the Global Warming issue. People feel it's just trees, it's just animals and it's not there fault. Without accountability, there is no need for change. If something is occurring outside of your control then you are not to blame, neither are you able to change it. This is the underlying problem with many of the so-called developed countries and will soon be a problem in the developing ones as well.

In order for us to effectively change things in this world we need to accept responsibility and then decide to take action to change the way things are. I love this movie and decided to find the beginning on youtube. We control a lot more than we realize. The name of the movie is What the Bleep Do We Know. Enjoy!


HANA said...
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Doctor X said...

What is the name of the movie?

clementineb said...

Hey Carmen,
I have never heard of wicca? it is the first time I hear of it. Whne did that relegion start? who started it?

Ovetta said...

I agree with you about those religion that hold human in such high regard. Until the presentations I did not know that religions take the environment into their beliefs other than to say don't eat this or that. Wicca I don't know much about.

1stgengreekboy said...

OK. So I agree with the fact that christianity does hold humans in high regard. I learned a lot about other religions and basically I would love to convert but I dont know how that would fly with my family lol. We are Greek Orthodox and we are christian and we have very strict rules also but being that our Greek past has had a lot of slavery and poverty, we as Greeks who have the means to own and buy do overdo it agaian and again.

Edward Lam said...

Religion is a place to direct us to the right path. Religion can also apply to the environment and different belief can change us and the environment. Nice presentation!!!!

abc123 said...

I want say that i love the power point that you guys had. You all seemed well aware of you religion. I am convinenced that you all researched really well...Good job

darlenesays said...

Wicca,isnt that related to witch craft? Or do they just sound alike...