Friday, September 26, 2008

Pursuing Dreams

I believe that people find they are passionate about many different things in life, but unfortunately have been told, they can only pursue one. I've lost count of the amount of teachers over the years who have told me that I have to narrow my career choices to one. There are many well-known people in the world, both past and present, who pursued several passions in their lives and I feel this also makes for a more balanced individual. So, of course, I am not going to listen. My career leads me down to three passions; writing, voice-overs and music.
In regards to writing, I originally (from the age of 7) wanted to write stories only. But, upon entering college I realize that I do enjoy writing critical analysis of various works of literature, films and Japanese animation. So I plan to write in these various fields. I will continue attending college so that I can further develop my writings and acquire the skills necessary to write creative, stylistically fresh material.
Next is voice-overs. I already practice voice exercises so that I, with practice, will have a wide range of various high and low voice characters in my arsenal. There is, unfortunately, no course that I have found while researching schools that have classes specifically geared for this field. However, I did discover there are workshops both in New York and California that are designed for voice-overs. One of the most well-known, Bang Zoom Entertainment, is located in California and also does a lot of the casting for Japanese animation. While in New York; however, I will be looking into acting workshops because I need to learn the acting lingo in order to be successful at a future audition.
The last of my passions is music. I am currently learning piano, from there I will learn guitar and start composing my own instrumental music. This I can also continue in college.
A lot of the professions I will be pursuing allow for me to travel so that I can visit several places overseas (Japan is definitely on the list!).
In order to help people, I feel they need someone who is both honest and inspirational. When I break into these various fields, people may start to remember who I am and may be more likely to hear what I have to say in regards to the environment, women's rights and other topics I feel need to be discussed. I want to effect change by using whatever fame I get as a springboard to discuss these issues. People like Bono, Angelina Jolie, Al Gore, and Leonardo DiCaprio don't sit back too scared to make a stand for fear it may hurt their career. I admire them for that and plan to do even more. Things such as education and medical facilities are something that all by right of being human are entitled to and steps need to be taken to ensure this as well as care for the environment.
The only way I know how to do this is to take it step by step. First LaGuardia, then a four-year college, and next . . . the world!


Ewa said...

Wow it is amazing that you are actually pursuing so three passionas at the same time and each one of them is so different. I never heard of voice-overs and that seems fun. I strongly agree that every human being has the right to education and medical help.

1stgengreekboy said...

I agree about the idea of a person that has alot of different passions and I do agree that its also sad that we're usually asked to pursue just one career or just one thing we truly love. I give you props for actually going after many things that you like. I agree education is also important because with a good education you can conquer so much more.

Doctor X said...

WOW, I love your range of interests.

I am one teacher that advocates pursuing as many passions as you wish. For me, people that deny the many facets of their personality or the multiplicity of their interests are living in a dream.

So sure, there are a few geniuses that have always known that their one passion would be studying baboons or something. But that's them. This is YOUR life.

MiggZ said...

It is so awesome that you're not constricting yourself to one passion. Keep your eye on the prize and the world will be YOURS.

Ovetta said...

Your blog is very bright and informative. I love that you have pictures of what other countries are doing to save the environment. I have no suggestion for you to change or add to your blog.

Y-Urena said...

I admire the fact that you are very versatile and have three passions to pursue. Personally, I haven’t discovered what my passions are and find it very difficult since we go through a lot of changes in life. You seem very confident which I consider to be key in career choices. Good luck with everything!

Anonymous said...

Here is my " Evaluation" Miss Carmen.

I cann defitnatley tell you are a writer, you have a strong voice in your writing. You answered the questions clearly and informed us a lot about yourself in answering those questions.

I defitnatley do not believe people should every narrow their passion or "plan" to ONE thing! I work for a non profit, currently the United Nations, Life Guard on the weekends ( in the summer), teach Aerobics in our fitness center during the week- a jack of all trades its what its all about ASLONG as your passionate about what you're doing, Human Rights is my passion, Helping people live healthy fit lives is another... and there are so many other organizations I am involved with....

Do all that you feel passion for, small people will tell you can't , great people will tell you- Conquer all !

I had many people growing up, especially in HS telling me you cant be in sports, a bunch of school clubs, a military cadet, and a lifeguard- you'll fail trying to do so much!= but guess what I did it all w/flyinggg colors : )

If you end up in California- enjoy!!! it's my home, you'll love it.

As Astra Per Aspera