Sunday, September 14, 2008

Do More

I thought about what I did today and realized that I do very little on a day-to-day basis to help the environment. I do recycle, but that is something required or you get fined, so it's not as though I've done something Earth shattering. No pun intended. One habit that I thought about that is not good for people or the environment is that I smoke cigarettes. Not only is it a potentially deadly habit, but I also realized as I was collecting paper to recycle how many empty packs I threw into the recycling bag. If I quit that is a lot less paper I'll be wasting and if we could assist more people to quit this addiction that would be even less waste. Overall, I don't do a lot of things that would hurt the environment; however, by not doing anything to help I am doing a lot of damage.
One thing I could do if I could actually make it a priority to remember and that is fairly easy is, rather than using the plastic bags given at stores when I shop, I could use the fabric bag I purchased. Unfortunately, I tend to forget to take it with me when I go shopping, so it might be best to leave it in my school bag. That way, if I go directly to the store from school, I will have it on me. It's not like it weighs a ton. I could also start bringing a refillable container for water or coffee instead of constantly buying two or three cups and throwing them out. Some places even charge less for coffee if you remember to bring your empty cup back for a refill instead of grabbing another.
My main concern in regards to the environment is global warming and the dangers it's creating for people, plants and wildlife. Polar bears are in danger of losing their natural habitat thanks to global warming. The warming temperatures are causing even more severe hurricanes and loss of life. Also, if certain sections of the world that were once ice were to melt completely, it would raise the sea level by about 20 feet. There are too many people who claim that we haven't even existed on the planet enough or have old enough records to know whether this problem is occurring due to our treatment of the planet. These people forget that we influence our surroundings all the time, by action or lack of it. We influence each other, and every living organism on this planet. If this planet goes even further downhill is the excuse of the people existing here now simply going to be, "Well . . . we weren't sure it was our fault." I really don't want to be one of them.


Dong_kyu said...

I'm glad to see your opinion, and especially, I'm happy that you are one of people who concern the nature and environment. By the way, I quit smoking three years ago. Just try not to smoke..then you will get used to do it!!

Doctor X said...

What I like about your entry is that you are actively thinking of small ways to make a difference. Just eep on trying--habits are always hard to break.

And maybe document your changes in the blog--that way you get extra credit!

clementineb said...

I think that the people who pretend Global Warming does not exist, just prefer to ignore it b/c the truth hurts. These people most likely have a big responsibility on their shoulders and do not want to feel guilty.


m.lorena said...

I agree about how most people recycle but we do it because we have to. It's so sad that we know there is a lot more we can do but don't do nothing, mostly because we are lazy. There are so many habits that we have and if we were to stop them, we would be doing the environment good. I hope people start realizing all these things.

Nice entry

Anonymous said...

hey whats up? i really enjoyed reading your entry, especially on global warming. i actually did a project on global warming and it truly is scary what would become of our world if we continue to pollute our air. The sun's rays can grow hotter and melt our ice caps. like you said, polar bears are actually drowing from swimming to ice cap to ice cap...its too far of a distance!

Nattie said...

The things you say you have to change are correct because those few minor changes adds up and can make a difference if not majorly at least minor but all minor things add up to a something big. Once you relize what you need to change and start develop the habits it will just become part of a routine that you will get used to. I started the change slowly became used to it all and now it is part of my rountine and i dont even realize im doing it sometimes

1stgengreekboy said...

I like the repeated idea of using self made produce bags or sacks or even bottle over and over again. I like that idea because imagine the amounts of plastic bags, bottles, containers and products that we make in our factories everyday. I just wish people would wake up and just start doing instead of just thinking about it. I personally will use a water bottle, coffee cup or even bags over and over again. It makes me feel better knowing i'm making an effort. i work in a liquor store and honestly I love the people that come in and give me their own bag or just stick their bottle in their purse. It's saving the earth one bag at a time.

Anonymous said...

Here is my " Evaluation" Miss Carmen.

I cann defitnatley tell you are a writer, you have a strong voice in your writing. You answered the questions clearly and informed us a lot about yourself in answering those questions.

I defitnatley do not believe people should every narrow their passion or "plan" to ONE thing! I work for a non profit, currently the United Nations, Life Guard on the weekends ( in the summer), teach Aerobics in our fitness center during the week- a jack of all trades its what its all about ASLONG as your passionate about what you're doing, Human Rights is my passion, Helping people live healthy fit lives is another... and there are so many other organizations I am involved with....

Do all that you feel passion for, small people will tell you can't , great people will tell you- Conquer all !

I had many people growing up, especially in HS telling me you cant be in sports, a bunch of school clubs, a military cadet, and a lifeguard- you'll fail trying to do so much!= but guess what I did it all w/flyinggg colors : )

If you end up in California- enjoy!!! it's my home, you'll love it.

As Astra Per Aspera